Blog-Would you like to be more organised?

Did you know its International 'Check list day' at the end of October and one thing that is sure to get great ideas into action is a check list.

Well in theory perhaps but its not always easy to get round to the things we REALLY need to be doing as often things get in the way (like procrastination!).

Also many people (my self included) often put either too much on the list or they are not in order of priority.

 Before we continue remember the to do lists will generally never be completed as there always seems to be something that needs doing so let yourself of the hook a bit and dont be so hard on yourself.

A simple solution for this is to obtain some sort of balance, a list with the priorities first then the not so important stuff then the its ok to get done in the next week stuff,but always add some fun stuff  MUST go on there to make it more do-able.

And finally we all FEEL so much better when we have just got on with things, it leaves us lighter,happier and decreases stress! So get out your check list and enjoy the fruits of your labour!

Blog-'Getting through the dark days'

Just recently I have been experiencing some 'life challenges' in fact this year has been a tough year in some ways overall.

I wanted to day to share how I get through these days in a simplistic way thats simple to follow ( but not necessarily easy to do)

My purpose on the planet is to ease others pain and help them create a happier, healthier more fulfilling life.

If I can share any hope or encouragement, motivation or support my purpose is fulfilled.

So when push comes to shove and the chips are down, you cant see the light at the end of the tunnel what can you really do about it?

You know those days when it all seems 'too much' and even getting out of bed seems a huge challenge.

Well this past few months,at times I have felt like that and in that time I stumble across this.......... to take a big breath and GASP!

Let me explain, its a plan that cannot fail to help you to move into a better place and done in the order of your choice, is a guaranteed way to actually make a difference!

Are you up for it?

G is for gratitude-being grateful for what is good in your life is not easy when things are not going well but its a tiny step to change the focus

A is for action, I need to do some sort action in the right direction otherwise nothing will change

S is for service/speak, doing something for others (me writing this blog for example)  and talking about how you feel can really lift your spirit

P is for prayer,asking a higher power of your choice for help,universe,nature,God whatever you feel is appropriate to give you some direction

Its a simple and effective way to shift the negativity and of course always remember, be kind to yourself,difficult times come and go and as I heard in a song recently if it doesn't kill you it will make you stronger.


Blog-Are you hard on yourself?

One of my biggest character defects can be is not to realise how long things can take me to do, I am in some ways, a slow learner (particularly with the written word and academics).

Having Dyslexia doesn't help added to a poor schooling, but one thing I have in abundance is passion,determination and self discipline! 

I feel so blessed as I realise even if I dont feel I am 'good enough' sometimes is just negative self talk and I must learn to be kinder to myself.

I,like most people, am doing the best I can and thats good enough.

So when you are beating yourself up just STOP and remember yourself you would not speak to others like that so be patient, tolerant and loving to you yourself.

Its time to celebrate all the things we are GREAT for a change instead of what we are not good at.

Being hard on ourselves can also have a huge negative effect on our health as well, anxiety can cause sleepless nights, low moods and lack of self care as well as interfering with our ability to experience joy and fulfilment.

I know todays has taken me a bit longer than I would have liked to get things done but I am going to say a big 'Well done' to myself as that feels so much nicer than being hard on myself!


Blog-International 'Respect Day'

Wow, this is such a wonderful day to celebrate I could not resist writing about it!

One of my favourite words is respect,when I briefly read what it said I was delighted and a bit saddened at the same time.

Why.... you ask, well its so fantastic to be more respectful to others but lets not forget about being respectful to ourselves.

Often people ask me 'what do I need to do do ensure I am respectful to myself?' The answer is easier than you think, just reverse all the things you do to others and ensure you do them for yourself.

The problem is that usually is easier said than done,we often find it less difficult to be respectful to others but somehow we dont deserve to do the same to ourselves.

Perhaps we feel guilty or embarrassed  if we are respectful to ourselves as well,or even sense it might be rather egotistical.

The thing is its as important for a healthy happy life  that we do these things for ourselves as well.

Be realistic with your personal expectations of yourself

Make sure you take proper meal breaks

Get plenty of sleep 

Learnt to say no and set boundaries

Say how you are really feeling

Be Authentic, be yourself

Make time for fun 

Let go of the 'negative self talk'


And the list goes on..... My suggestion is IF you make time for some of the above you will automatically feel a deeper sense of self respect which will ultimately  positively affect others around you.



Bank Holiday Monday

Did you know this is the last Bank Holiday before Christmas?

Bank holidays are generally precious to most people, families love to get together, the summer is almost ending, nights are drawing in, and most of us want to get the most of the day.  The problem is, are our expectations for enjoyment just a bit too high?  Very often if high expectations are not met, then it can lead to high drama if things don't work out as planned, disappointment sets in and we can often feel let down, hurt or not good enough.

My new school of thought for you to consider is:

Whatever happened to 'go with the flow' 'enjoy the moment' and just be present in the now.  

Slow down

Give yourself a rest

Laugh at the simple things

Don't overbook yourself

Keep it simple!

We often don't realise how much we create the 'bad day' we end up experiencing.  It is good to learn a new way of doing things.  Just for today, let go of your high expectations of how it should be and just enjoy the ride.

Blog-Best Friends Day

How lovely to have a Best Friends Day. Most of us have got someone in our lives who has been there for us, whether it be a long-term childhood school friend, someone we have met in the workplace or even a beloved partner.   

But your best friend really needs to be yourself.  It may sound odd, to be your own best friend, but time and time again I have clients who say… they are their own worst enemy.  How many people seem to speak badly about themselves, berating themselves when they make mistakes.  Generally being unforgiving. Have unrealistic expectations of themselves, and seem to put everyone else first. 

I would like to see more people be their own best friend. It generally comes back to self-love, self respect and self care.  Aren’t we always brilliant at being there for others, almost addressing their every need, being kind, respectful and loving, without a thought for themselves.

When you start to practice being your own best friend you will really start to reap the benefits.  Take some of your own advice, the sort of advice you would give to your best friend if they were feeling tired, exhausted or overwhelmed.  And don’t feel guilty when you give yourself time out!

Maybe now is a good time to ask yourself, who your real best friend needs to be?

Blog-Wiggle your toes day


Well sometimes it just has to be done!

Light hearted fun and almost childlike is my theme for this weeks Blog.

How often are we too serious and don't stop to smell the roses and enjoy life a bit more?

Recently I went into town by bicycle, which I love, just cycling along the seafront looking at the beauty and expanse of the sea.

I had an appointment to paint my toenails and was due to cycle back home at a set time, but guess what? I had overshot the time and did not have time to let them dry properly.

Well in the big scheme of things it’s not exactly a big drama you might say, but I decided to cycle home with my bare feet.

I have to say it was such fun, the freedom of wearing no shoes and seeing my pretty red manicured toes was such a treat.

It reminded me of when I was a child and spent more time with shoes off than shoes on.

So my health tip for today is kick off your shoes, go barefoot, take up yoga, go for a paddle in the sea, walk on the grass, wiggle those pinkies, do whatever it takes to bring you back to the fun side of life.

Blog-The 12 simple principles to obtain a healthy balanced life

I was a bit stumped at what to do for my health tip this week so decided to keep things simple and go back to the basics.

So with that in mind, in my experience, the  real ‘Key to a healthy happy balanced life’ is adhering to these 12 simple principles.

I am living proof that anyone’s lives can be turned around, I was once stressed, inauthentic, overweight and tired a lot of the time,I ended up constantly trying to blame others for not helping me enough,having too high expectations of me and generally not understanding how hard life was for me.

I felt unsupported and disrespected, there came a moment in my life when things had to change, and it had to be ME!

I found the answers to my various problems by practicing the things below and I can honestly say I have never felt such self-love, self respect and contentment in my life before.

Learning to say no and ask for help

Practicing radical self care

Living in the present

Doing the next smallest right thing

Being grateful

Finding a sense of spirituality

Letting go of resentments 

Learning to just be myself (Authentic) 

Making time for fun

Enjoying loving relationships

Following your calling/purpose

Spending time in nature

So if you feel you are ready to make changes and would like some support, empathy and respect on your journey then contact me, I would love to work with you.