Blog-Would you like to be more organised?

Did you know its International 'Check list day' at the end of October and one thing that is sure to get great ideas into action is a check list.

Well in theory perhaps but its not always easy to get round to the things we REALLY need to be doing as often things get in the way (like procrastination!).

Also many people (my self included) often put either too much on the list or they are not in order of priority.

 Before we continue remember the to do lists will generally never be completed as there always seems to be something that needs doing so let yourself of the hook a bit and dont be so hard on yourself.

A simple solution for this is to obtain some sort of balance, a list with the priorities first then the not so important stuff then the its ok to get done in the next week stuff,but always add some fun stuff  MUST go on there to make it more do-able.

And finally we all FEEL so much better when we have just got on with things, it leaves us lighter,happier and decreases stress! So get out your check list and enjoy the fruits of your labour!

Blog-'Getting through the dark days'

Just recently I have been experiencing some 'life challenges' in fact this year has been a tough year in some ways overall.

I wanted to day to share how I get through these days in a simplistic way thats simple to follow ( but not necessarily easy to do)

My purpose on the planet is to ease others pain and help them create a happier, healthier more fulfilling life.

If I can share any hope or encouragement, motivation or support my purpose is fulfilled.

So when push comes to shove and the chips are down, you cant see the light at the end of the tunnel what can you really do about it?

You know those days when it all seems 'too much' and even getting out of bed seems a huge challenge.

Well this past few months,at times I have felt like that and in that time I stumble across this.......... to take a big breath and GASP!

Let me explain, its a plan that cannot fail to help you to move into a better place and done in the order of your choice, is a guaranteed way to actually make a difference!

Are you up for it?

G is for gratitude-being grateful for what is good in your life is not easy when things are not going well but its a tiny step to change the focus

A is for action, I need to do some sort action in the right direction otherwise nothing will change

S is for service/speak, doing something for others (me writing this blog for example)  and talking about how you feel can really lift your spirit

P is for prayer,asking a higher power of your choice for help,universe,nature,God whatever you feel is appropriate to give you some direction

Its a simple and effective way to shift the negativity and of course always remember, be kind to yourself,difficult times come and go and as I heard in a song recently if it doesn't kill you it will make you stronger.


Blog-Are you hard on yourself?

One of my biggest character defects can be is not to realise how long things can take me to do, I am in some ways, a slow learner (particularly with the written word and academics).

Having Dyslexia doesn't help added to a poor schooling, but one thing I have in abundance is passion,determination and self discipline! 

I feel so blessed as I realise even if I dont feel I am 'good enough' sometimes is just negative self talk and I must learn to be kinder to myself.

I,like most people, am doing the best I can and thats good enough.

So when you are beating yourself up just STOP and remember yourself you would not speak to others like that so be patient, tolerant and loving to you yourself.

Its time to celebrate all the things we are GREAT for a change instead of what we are not good at.

Being hard on ourselves can also have a huge negative effect on our health as well, anxiety can cause sleepless nights, low moods and lack of self care as well as interfering with our ability to experience joy and fulfilment.

I know todays has taken me a bit longer than I would have liked to get things done but I am going to say a big 'Well done' to myself as that feels so much nicer than being hard on myself!