Embrace the middle ground 'The art or moderation

Happy Easter Monday everyone! I wanted to focus on moderation this springtime.

Most of us experience an abundance of food, chocolate and Easter products that are available at this time of year and often overindulge.

People can then feel guilty, resentful, and even angry, blaming themselves for eating too much or not having healthy boundaries.

You will be pleased to know I am not here to berate you just share experience of how it could be different.

For some people it really is an addiction, overeating (as it was for me) and there are many recovery programs that can help arrest addiction.

Food addicts in recovery anonymous and over eaters anonymous are 2 that spring to mind.

I don’t think its work just telling people how to change the real work is done with the why we do it in the first place. One we address that issue we are more likely to want to make changes. So why bother? well there really are amazing health benefits.

Research consistently shows that moderation in diet leads to better health outcomes compared to extremes.

Extreme behaviours, whether it's extreme dieting, overeating, excessive exercise, or overworking, often lead to burnout and are unsustainable in the long run. Moderation promotes consistency and helps maintain healthy habits over time.

Overall, evidence from multiple disciplines suggests that moderation in all areas is a sensible approach for promoting overall well-being and longevity. It allows individuals to enjoy life while maintaining balance and minimizing risks associated with extremes.

So how can you change? I guess you have to ask a few questions first.

Why are you doing it in the first place?

Do you want to moderate?

Why you want to?

What’s stopping you?

How can you?

What’s the first action?

The war years where the healthiest in the Uk due to the list below, but as we all know people were often powerless over the situation and had limited control.

These areas below made the war years so healthy even amidst the stress that many people suffered.

 1.     There was a reduction in Smoking

2.     An increase in community Support and Solidarity

3.     An increase in Physical Activity

4.     Focused on Essential Needs

5.     People had stronger Social Networks

Today we have more control and choices, so the bottom line is to become more self-regulating and self-accountable which is where it can be challenging. Finding out the root cause of overindulgence can be a lengthy process but often its a deep seated need some level of gratification, what can be called as the ‘not enough syndrome’ which many people suffer from in various areas of their lives.

Embracing moderation in all areas of life really is empowering, but the quick fix needs to be addressed and worked on first.


'Navigating the Storm: Strategies for Anxiety Management'

'Navigating the Storm: Strategies for Anxiety Management'

I have never written a Blog during a literal storm, it’s so windy outside and I have just heard a massive crash and bang coming from my roof.

I notice a huge dump of adrenalin and my anxiety levels are surging.

My husband is about to explore what’s going on and I need to write my Blog as there is nothing else I can do right now.

What I notice is my response to anxiety is the same whatever the situation.

So what can I do to help myself manage the anxiety and help myself navigate through this?

Firstly, I just STOPED took a few breaths, and acknowledged my feelings, then I had to accept the situation, ( I may not like it but I have to accept it’s there) finally action, what can I do about it?

The reality is we are not robots, and it’s not easy to apply the above. Each phase takes time to process so don’t rush.

What helps me is to break things down into small, tiny chunks, as we know the reality is if we do nothing, nothing changes.

Interestingly enough it’s often a lack of acceptance with ourselves that can be the hardest.

The reality for me is I do get worried, and I do get anxious, so I want to practice self-compassion and learn to accept that’s just who I am, it does not mean I am a victim of my own emotions or I have no strategy to help myself.

Many of my clients are hard on themselves and experience similar self-judgment issues, expressing how I feel and working through my emotions coupled with actions seems the best way.

I believe self-awareness and self-compassion will help us all manage life on life’s terms.

So today I will keep it short and sweet, I honestly do not know what to write sometimes but I do know I do my best and then leave the rest!





This is not rocket science ! Add bliss breaks

This is not rocket science ! Add bliss breaks

Wow, I am in LOVE with chatGPT!

I cannot believe how wonderful AI can be to help me pass on my message of radical self-care to the world.

I have been working as a Nurse for nearly all my life and for the past 17 years as a life coach, I am more passionate today than when I started!

My question is…Do you want a healthier, simpler, less stressful, happier way of life?

I would imagine everyone will say YES to this one.

So here goes, create your own 5-minute bliss breaks and you will find a MASSIVE change in your life,If you remember, the key is consistency. Integrate these bliss breaks into your daily routine, and over time, they can become a natural and rejuvenating part of your day.


1.     Deep Breathing: Take a few minutes to practice deep breathing exercises. Inhale slowly, hold, and then exhale. This can help reduce stress and increase a sense of calm.

2.     Nature Connection: Step outside for a few minutes, whether it's in your back garden, a nearby park, or just around the block. Breathe in fresh air and appreciate the natural surroundings.

3.     Mindful Walks: Instead of rushing, take a mindful walk. Pay attention to your steps, the rhythm of your breath, and the sights and sounds around you.

4.     Quick Stretching: Stand up and stretch your body. Simple stretches can help release tension and improve circulation.

5.     Digital Detox: Disconnect from screens for a few minutes. Put away your phone and computer, allowing your mind to take a break from constant stimulation.

6.     Gratitude Pause: Reflect on three things you're grateful for. Focusing on positive aspects of your life can shift your perspective and boost your mood.

7.     Mini Meditation: Practice a short meditation. Use guided meditation apps or simply focus on your breath for a few minutes to promote relaxation.

8.     Aromatherapy Break: Inhale the calming scent of essential oils. Keep a small bottle of your favorite scent handy for a quick aromatherapy break.

9.     Music Break: Listen to a favorite song that uplifts you. Music has the power to change your mood and provide a quick energy boost.

10. Hydration Moment: Take a break to drink a glass of water. Staying hydrated is essential for overall well-being.

11. Self-Compassion Check-In: Pause and ask yourself how you're feeling. Practice self-compassion by acknowledging your emotions without judgment.

Laugh Break: Watch a funny video, read a joke, or recall a humorous memory. Laughter is a great way to release stress and improve your mood